Privacy Policy
While we try to ensure that the content of our site is free from error and omissions, we do not warrant its accuracy, adequacy or completeness or its suitability for your intended use.
All content on this site (including these terms of use) is subject to change at any time.
We disclaim, to the extent permitted by law, all liability or responsibility to anyone for any direct or indirect loss or damage that may result from the action or failure to act by anyone in reliance on the content of our website. All content on this site (including these terms of use) is subject to change at any time.
Falkner Builders owns all copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property in this site. Unless otherwise stated, everything on this site is protected by copyright.
You may not copy or display or distribute to third parties, or for commercial purposes, any part of this site without the express permission of Falkner Builders.
We welcome the use of our site for personal, non-commercial use, research or study so long as you acknowledge our copyright and intellectual property rights.
Where we have provided some links to third-party websites that may include hyperlinks to other sites, we do not endorse, check or approve of the third party sites. We have provided these for convenience only and are not responsible for the content or accuracy of materials on these third party sites. If you decide to access linked third-party sites then you do so at your own risk.
This website is governed by and is to be interpreted in accordance with, the laws of New Zealand and the courts of New Zealand shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction. Please also refer to our privacy policy for more information.